Dear fellow Earthlings! 🙂 Here’s our latest alpha statistics: 50 new users have registered on Human Connection in the last seven days alone; we are now a total of 2,839 alpha testers! Together we wrote 5,510 articles and 19,859 comments, and almost 15,000 recommendations were made for individual articles.
„They say that when you talk to plants in a friendly way, they grow better – imagine what would happen if you talked to all people in a friendly style .” This a message someone posted on the alpha. Our latest alpha statistics support this claim because the network is thriving like a lovingly cultivated plant.
Your confidence and support are just as important to Human Connection as your respectful and attentive interactions with one another. Despite thematically explosive contributions and the differences of opinion and discussions that are taking place here and there, Human Connection can already be considered a „platform of peace”.
In addition, in our latest network presentation our programmer Sebastian presented the latest updates made to the alpha. You can now look forward to the messaging and chat function because we expect it to be implemented in a few months. In addition, you will now find a sorting function on the alpha in its first release, which will be enhanced bit by bit. You can now sort by the most recent, oldest and most popular posts. We also completed a framework update and several bug fixes. Our programmers have also worked hard to improve the network’s performance in general.
So let’s not only become 3000 users on the alpha, but also find 3000 monthly supporters!
We already have reached more than half of our crowdfunding goal but we are still looking for about 1,400 more people who’d be
passionate about supporting Human Connection with a tenner per month and thereby ensuring our basic operating funds are being provided. Once that is achieved, we can finally put all our energy into the further development of Human Connection – and not, as is currently the case, into the pressing search for further sponsors.
If you’d like to know exactly what we need the 30,000 Euros per month for – come join our regular Let’s Talk online meetings and ask us your questions! We’re here to be open and transparent with what the crowdfunded money is allocated for.
Also, a lot of you have asked why „things are taking so long.” Again, join us in our regular online meeting and we’ll talk about everything that goes on behind the scenes! We’ll also share details about what each team member of our core team is working on exactly.
We’re there to answer your questions in our meetings. It’s much more efficient and easier than responding to questions or comments online since we are a small team dedicated to put all of our energy into moving the development of Human Connection forward.
We thank you for your trust and support! And we look forward to seeing you – whether it is in our public online meetings or on the alpha!
Your Human Connection Team