Dear community members, here’s our weekly donation update: As of this week we have reached 55% of the necessary monthly minimum operating funds! And almost 1,600 humans decided to support Human Connection with a recurring donation. Many thanks to all of you and an equally big THANK YOU also goes to our one-time supporters!

Albert Einstein once said:

„I’m more interested in the future than in the past, because the future is where I intend to live.”

We fully agree with this statement, do you? Hardly anything is more important than the future – especially when it comes to our children and the quality of their lives.

But we can only set the course in the present. Therefore we must act NOW so that this planet remains habitable and worth living on. Together, we can work towards a future that is free of fear, free of wars, and free of man-made disasters.

With this social, knowledge and action network, Human Connection is on a mission to provide a tool that can play a crucial part in the journey towards positive social change. A tool that not only enables real networking, but also encourages people to get off their

computers, smartphones and tablets and instead jump into action in the real world!

It’s clear – we will only succeed with YOUR support! If you – about 1,600 current supporters – get one or two of your friends on board to give just a fiver a month, then we would very soon achieve a stable basic operation for Human Connection. We also hope that our one-time donors like the network so much that they decide to become a monthly supporter. (And remember: All of your donations, whether one-time or monthly, are tax-deductible.)

Spread the idea of Human Connection, inspire your community by sharing the idea – together, we can make sure that Human Connection will not fail because of lack of funds.

Thank you very much for your great support!

Info for our supporters:
As a monthly donor you can reclaim your donations within the first 3 months.
No questions asked. Human Connection is a project based on trust.
Should you not be satisfied with the network as we’re developing it, just send us an email to and ask for a refund.