Dear community, we’re almost halfway there! Soon we will have reached one half of the funds needed each month to keep Human Connection running and secure our development to be able to release the beta. Currently we have reached 47%, which means that about 1,400 amazing sponsors have decided to join the network. We are so grateful for all of your support!

As you probably know, we are looking for 3,000 people to donate ten euros or dollars (or your preferred currency) per month. That way we can operate Human Connection and most importantly plan the future of your social, knowledge, and action network that serves the world.

So, please spread the word and share the idea of Human Connection with the world. We are always interested in seeing others write blog posts about us or invite us to speak (even via video) to their community so that we can share what Human Connection is all about! So don’t be shy to reach out!

Together, we can make Human Connection and a better world for our children possible. It would be a shame if the network would fail because of lack of financial support from the crowd.

The only way to have a non-profit, ad-free platform that amplifies every single voice equally is through a crowdfunding model – that’s why we count on you! And in return, you can count on us.

Thank you very much!

Your Human Connection Team


Become one of 3000 sponsors now and donate monthly!

Or make a one-time donation on Facebook!

Human Connection is recognized as a nonprofit. Every donation goes into the development of your network. You can cancel your monthly donation any time.